Current show

The Saloon

08:00 10:00

Upcoming show

The Gastown Panic Show

with the Gastown Panic

choons and chumbleweed

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If you love great music, terrible jokes and the faint sound of tumbleweed, have we got a show for you!

GasTown Panic 24

The Gastown Panic Show is the official “Home Of The Wigwam Bams” with a broad playlist of musical styles and eras, from 60s pop through to all the latest indie, alternative & electronic artists. If you love great music, terrible jokes and the faint sound of tumbleweed, have we got a show for you!

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Scheduled on

Monday 19:00 20:00
Tuesday 01:00 02:00
Sunday 16:00 17:00

The Gastown Panic Show crew

Glasgow duo The Gastown Panic -  bringing a broad mix of musical styles from various eras to the Wigwam airwaves