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RnR Weekly

Celebrating LIVE classic rock'n'roll music

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Scottie Richardson

RnR (Rock'n'Roll) Weekly celebrates LIVE classic rock'n'roll music, spotlighting new rock artists and listening to new songs from our favourite bands.

You can hear RnR Weekly every Saturday at 11pm & Tuesdays at 11pm on Radio Wigwam


RnR (Rock’n’Roll) Weekly celebrates LIVE classic rock’n’roll music, spotlighting new rock artists and listening to new songs from your favourite bands.

Ever been to a gig where Aerosmith played a version of Dream On you can’t find or perhaps where Jimmy Page played on stage with the Black Crowes? Then this is the show for you!

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Scheduled on

Tuesday 23:00 00:00
Saturday 23:00 00:00
Sunday 04:00 05:00

RnR Weekly crew

Scottie Richardson is the host of RnR Weekly - every week reliving live moments in Rock N Roll Music and much much more!